Works to a grade II listed farmhouse including: Demolition of Modern C20th extensions to the South of the original farmhouse, alterations to the modern sitting room annexe to the West of the original farmhouse, including blocking up of the windows and relocation of the chimney stack and extension of the roof over a new veranda area to the West elevation of the annexe and addition of a short section of garden wall. Erection of a new single two storey extension to the South on the site of the previous modern extensions and creation of sunken gardens to the West and East of the new proposed extension. Minor alterations to the internal layout of the original farmhouse and the removal of a later C19th staircase
Paynes Hay Farm Paynes Hay Road Braishfield SO51 0PS
View full details on the planning authority (Test Valley Borough Council) website here.
Comment from Braishfield Parish Council (as a consultee): TVBC1800114FULLS
Planning authority decision (Test Valley Borough Council): REFUSE