Be a Recycling Star

Be a Recycling Star! Did you know that of all the waste you produce, 38% of it can be recycled in your brown bin? One of the biggest challenges people encounter when trying to recycle is working out what they can pop in their brown bin and what to take to their local recycling centre.…

Crime Update from Hampshire Constabulary

The following is the weekly crime report from Romsey Rural Area from Hampshire Constabulary…. Weekly beat report from 04/10/2014 – 16/10/2014 Weekly update reported crime Romsey rural, we hope you find this week’s circulation useful. We have worked hard to ensure the information is current and accurate. **If you know anyone who would like to…

Revised Local Plan: Examination and Hearing

The details of the revised Local Plan are on Test Valley Borough Council’s website here The dates of the Hearing are on this letter from Test Valley Borough Council:  dates of hearing At Crosfield Hall on Tuesday 13th January 2015 it will deal with the following: COM3 – New Neighbourhood at Whitenap, Romsey COM4 –…


Ganger Farm Erection of 275 dwellings, sports facilities etc. Amended plans and information have been submitted. Parish Council comment:  objection View TVBC site here Standard Consultation Expiry Date:  Tue 28 Oct 2014 – revised to 30 March following amendments Status:  Permission subject to conditions and notes  

Crime Update from Hampshire Constabulary

Here is the weekly crime report dated 20/09/14 to 28/09/14 for the Romsey Rural area from Hampshire Constabulary: TRAVELLERS ~ One caravan and two vehicles were reported to be acting in a suspicious manner, on Top Green in Lockerley. It now appears the same caravan is now on camped the grass verge A27 Sherfield English. No…