
Conversion of former public house to dwelling to include single storey and first floor extensions and erection of detached garage Newport Inn Newport Lane Braishfield SO51 0PL Link to Test Valley Borough Council information here Date for comments:  Tue 19 Jul 2016 Braishfield Parish Council comment:  No Objection (view the comment here) Test Valley Borough…

Annual Review 2015/16

The council is undergoing the annual review for the year ending 31 March 2016, under the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015.  The period for the exercise of public rights is 30 working days, starting on 9 June 2016 and ending on 20 July 2016.  The Notice can be seen here. You can view information relating…

Vacancy for a Parish Councillor

Update: the following notice expired on 21/6/2016 and applications for the vacancy have closed.  However, if you are interested in being informed about vacancies which may arise in the future, please contact us.   BRAISHFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Notice of Casual Vacancy for a Parish Councillor There is a vacancy on the parish council, due to…


Demolition of existing outbuildings and construction of 4 bedroom detached residential dwelling house and associated landscape works Amberley, Braishfield Road, Braishfield Consultation expiry: 1/7/2016 Statutory Expiry: 24/8/2016 View Test Valley Borough Council page here Braishfield Parish Council comment: Objection (view the comment here) TVBC Decision: closed as INVALID


Construction of an equine rehabilitation building including manager’s dwelling and a polo pony overwintering barn. Pucknall Farm, Dores Lane, Braishfield Consultation expiry:  24/6/2016 Statutory Expiry:  24/08/2016 View Test Valley Borough Council page here Braishfield Parish Council comment:  Objection (view the comment here) TVBC Decision:   REFUSE