Notice: Braishfield Annual Parish Assembly 3 May 2016
Electors of the Parish of Braishfield are invited to attend the Annual Parish Assembly. The Notice (including agenda) is here.
Electors of the Parish of Braishfield are invited to attend the Annual Parish Assembly. The Notice (including agenda) is here.
Part of Braishfield Road is to be resurfaced by Hampshire County Council, with the work starting on 26 April 2016. The duration is approx 3 days. The re-surfacing will be to the section between the roundabout (Jermyn’s Lane) and the Wheatsheaf. A large number of re-surfacing projects are being undertaken in the borough, and the advice that…
7 Hill View Road Braishfield Romsey Hampshire SO51 0PP Erection of porch, two storey side and single storey rear extension and create loft room with dormers Link to documents at Test Valley Borough Council here Statutory expiry: 7 June 2016 TVBC decision: [application withdrawn] Braishfield Parish Council comment: Objection; read the full text here
RFSF Recycling, Bunny Lane, Timsbury Hampshire SO51 0PG Variation of condition 12 (hours of operation for HCV’s) of Appeal Decision APP/Q1770/A/11/2161324 Public Consultation expiry: 06/05/2016 This application can be viewed at the following link… Braishfield Parish Council Comment: pending consideration
Temporary Road Closure – Rudd Lane in the Parishes of Braishfield and Michelmersh Description: Temporary closure of Rudd Lane to allow a safe access for BT works. Location: from its junction with Lower Street to its junction with Bunny Lane Alternative route: From the western point of closure west on Rudd Lane to “The north…
Waste Transfer Station Casbrook Park Bunny Lane Timsbury Romsey Hampshire SO51 0PG Variation of condition 5 of Planning Permission 15/02400/CMAS (to allow the acceptance of trade waste) Test Valley Borough Decision: No Objection Statutory Expiry Date: 18 May 2016 Braishfield Parish Council Comment: Objection (read it here)
Raise chimney outlet, Sharpes Cottage Lower Street Braishfield Romsey Hampshire SO51 0PH Braishfield Parish Council Comment: No Comment (read it here) Statutory Expiry Date: 18 May 2016 Test Valley Borough Council Decision: Consent subject to conditions and notes
TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE – Part of Eldon Road, Braishfield NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 that The Borough Council of Test Valley as agent for Hampshire County Council (being the Traffic Authority) has made an Order to allow a safe access for installation of a water mains…
*Although these items are scheduled to be submitted on the date indicated, they are subject to change at final Agenda stage. If members of the public wish to address the meeting they should notify the Committee Section at the Council’s Beech Hurst office by noon on the working day before the meeting. Mar 8…