New Village Defibrillator: Training on 1 October 2014

The Parish Council is purchasing a defibrillator which will be located outside the Village Hall for public use. We would like to invite those members of the Parish, particularly those involved with organisations which use the Village Hall and Recreation Ground, to attend a one hour training session, run by South Central Ambulance Service, in…

Public Consultation by DEFRA: Flood Reinsurance Scheme

If your home or business is at risk of flooding, this Consultation is relevant to you.  This consultation ends on Tuesday 16th September. The UK Government announced in June 2013 that it was taking forward the Flood Reinsurance Scheme (Flood Re) as the preferred approach to addressing the availability and affordability of flood insurance. The Flood Re…

World War One Commemoration

At 12 noon today, 19 Parishioners gathered at All Saints Church Braishfield to remember the 20 Men from the Parish that died during the First World War. The names of each man that died was read out, each name followed by a single tolling of the bell. The moving service concluded with prayers and silence…

Braishfield Pantry opens!

Braishfield Pantry – Braishfield’s very own community shop and coffee shop is now open. Located at the Village Hall, the opening hours are 09:00 – 11:00 and 15:00 – 18:00 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Watch out for the GRAND OPENING on Saturday 9th of August at 10:00am.

Review of Waste Recycling Centres – have your say!

Hampshire County Council are conducting a review of the household waste recycling centres – including our beloved Bunny Lane/Casbrook facility.  This might result in the closure of some of the current centres – and the Bunny Lane site might be one of those. You can see the proposals and make your views known through the…