Responsibility for the highways (including footpaths) in Braishfield and for road safety lies with Hampshire County Council (HCC). This responsibility includes maintenance of highway verges; HCC also commonly cut back overgrowing hedges, but the responsibility for preventing hedges from obstructing roads and roadside pavements lies with the landowner on whose land the hedge is growing. HCC can serve a notice on a landowner requiring him/her to remove the obstruction, with the sanction of a fine for non-compliance. This obligation is subject to the provisions of the Wildlife and Countryside Act, under which intentional disturbance of birds or their nests is an offence if committed during the close season (1 February to 31 August)
For road maintenance issues, such as potholes, HCC have pages on their website where you can report problems:
For dangerous situations and urgent problems, dial 999
The level of maintenance of footpaths actually carried out by HCC is very limited. Normally the Parish Council are informed early in the year which paths HCC will clear, and the timetable for clearance. The Parish Council can then assess what additional action they may need to take to keep footpaths open. Note that the information above concerning hedges applies equally in respect of hedges alongside footpaths.
Please let Braishfield Parish Council know if a problem is not fixed – we regularly chase HCC about outstanding maintenance issues.
The Parish Council does deal with longer-term road safety issues, through discussion with Hampshire County Council and Test Valley Borough Council. In the past, the council had a hand in the introduction of speed limits along Braishfield Road.
If you have concerns about any aspect of road safety or footpath maintenance within the village or any ideas for improvements, please let us know.