Vacancy for a Parish Councillor

Update: the following notice expired on 21/6/2016 and applications for the vacancy have closed.  However, if you are interested in being informed about vacancies which may arise in the future, please contact us.   BRAISHFIELD PARISH COUNCIL Notice of Casual Vacancy for a Parish Councillor There is a vacancy on the parish council, due to…

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Notice: Casual Vacancy for a Parish Councillor

A vacancy has arisen on Braishfield Parish Council, due to the retirement of our former Chairman Mike Prince. Filling the vacant seat is a legal process managed by Test Valley Borough Council.  You can view the published notice of a Casual Vacancy here. If you would like to discuss becoming a councillor, please contact the Clerk.

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Temporary Closure of Braishfield Road 26/4/16

Part of Braishfield Road is to be resurfaced by Hampshire County Council, with the work starting on  26 April 2016.  The duration is approx 3 days. The re-surfacing will be to the section between the roundabout (Jermyn’s Lane) and the Wheatsheaf. A large number of re-surfacing projects are being undertaken in the borough, and the advice that…

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Temporary Closure of Rudd Lane 9/5/16 for 10 days

Temporary Road Closure – Rudd Lane in the Parishes of Braishfield and Michelmersh Description: Temporary closure of Rudd Lane to allow a safe access for BT works. Location: from its junction with Lower Street to its junction with Bunny Lane Alternative route: From the western point of closure west on Rudd Lane to “The north…

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Road Closure Order: part of Eldon Road

TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE – Part of Eldon Road, Braishfield NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 that The Borough Council of Test Valley as agent for Hampshire County Council (being the Traffic Authority) has made an Order to allow a safe access for installation of a water mains…

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Annual Parish Assembly 2016

Arrange a place for your group in this community event The Annual Parish Assembly will take place on Tuesday 3rd May 2016 at 8pm in Braishfield Village Hall. Although the meeting is run by the parish council, it can be used by any community or village group to report to residents on events that have…

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Oak Close: update from the parish council

Braishfield Parish Council would like to welcome the first residents of Oak Close, who moved in just in time for Christmas in their new homes. The homes have been needed for many years and it has been a long time in the planning, so it is great to see the project completed by Hyde Housing…

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Consultation: draft Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople

  Test Valley Borough Council is publishing its draft Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople for public consultation. “The Council has a responsibility to plan for the housing needs of all residents, including the Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople community. This is proposed to be undertaken through a Development Plan Document which…

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Test Valley Borough Council Meetings February 2016

TEST VALLEY BOROUGH COUNCIL CALENDAR OF MEETINGS – FEBRUARY 2016 Date Meeting Time Venue Feb 2 Tuesday Southern Area Planning Committee 5.30 pm Romsey 9 Tuesday PCC Viewing Panel PM tbc 9 Tuesday Planning Control Committee 5.30 pm Andover 10 Wednesday Cabinet 5.30 pm Andover * Revenue Budget & Council Tax Proposals Capital Programme Update…

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