Consultation on draft Byelaws for Braishfield Recreation Ground

The Council is considering adopting byelaws for the Recreation Ground. These would enable the Council to regulate various unacceptable activities and take legal action, where appropriate, in the interests of the community. We are particularly interested to know whether these byelaws, if adopted, would affect the way you use the Recreation Ground. Please send any…

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Consultation: draft Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople

  Test Valley Borough Council is publishing its draft Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople for public consultation. “The Council has a responsibility to plan for the housing needs of all residents, including the Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople community. This is proposed to be undertaken through a Development Plan Document which…

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Community Litter Pick and Wildflower Planting

Thank you again to the wonderful volunteers who helped with our community litter picking morning in April. We know many of you already help with litter picking all year round and we are very grateful to all of you. As you will see from the photo(s), there was quite a haul! Perhaps one of the…

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Community Emergency Plan for Braishfield

  The Parish Council is overseeing a working party that is in the process of producing a Community Emergency Plan for Braishfield.  Emergencies may take the form of natural disaster, perhaps brought on by bad weather, leading to flooding or power failure. In a rural area, there is a the risk of being blocked in…

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Temporary Closure of Braishfield Road 26/4/16

Part of Braishfield Road is to be resurfaced by Hampshire County Council, with the work starting on  26 April 2016.  The duration is approx 3 days. The re-surfacing will be to the section between the roundabout (Jermyn’s Lane) and the Wheatsheaf. A large number of re-surfacing projects are being undertaken in the borough, and the advice that…

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Christmas Tree Festival 2016

The Christmas Tree Festival will take place at All Saints, Braishfield.  The proceeds will be shared between All Saints church and the PLANETS (pancreatic, liver and neuroendocrine tumours) charity. Individuals and local groups are welcome to enter a tree, using the Entry Form. The opening times are: Friday 2nd December and Saturday 3rd, 11am – 6pm Sunday…

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Christmas Crime Menu from Hampshire Constabulary

Christmas Crime Menu eeeeeeeeeefggggggggg A few tips on how to stop criminals leaving a bitter aftertaste this Christmas                                                Starters ~ Car theft classic, car left unlocked with windows open ~ (always lock doors and windows and use steering lock) Starter’s orders, keys left in ignition ~ (Never leave keys in the ignition and…

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Channel 4 – new series on stately or historic homes

Please see the following message from “Betty TV Ltd” I am writing from a television production company in regards to a new Channel 4 series. Betty are the makers of programmes such as ‘Country House Rescue’ and ‘Shopgirls: The True Story of Life Behind the Counter’. We are interested in getting in touch with owners…

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Buy With Confidence

(This article appeared in November 2014 “Safer North Hampshire” newsletter) In response to concerns about ‘rogue traders’ which are often highlighted in the media, a partnership of Local Authority Trading Standards Services have taken a ground-breaking step by putting together the Buy With Confidence Scheme. The Buy With Confidence Scheme is an approved register of…

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Braishfield Village Design Statement (VDS)

Below is the link to the draft VDS document which is now live on the TVBC website. This provides the opportunity to view and comment to TVBC on the document by Friday 28th May 2021.    

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Braishfield Village Design Statement

I am happy to inform you that the revised Braishfield Village Design Statement was adopted by the Test Valley Borough Council Cabinet. The document received compliments from many of the Members on the quality and content of the document. View the VDS here 

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Braishfield Village Association presentation to Council

Braishfield Parish Council expressed its thanks to the Braishfield Village Association for a ceremonial gavel, presented by BVA Chairman Jimmy Chestnutt on 6 December 2016.  The gavel was a gift to the Council by way of a “thank you” for the work that the Council does for the parish.  7 members of Braishfield Village Association attended…

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Braishfield Roads and Footpath Status – Repairs and New Plans

This report is produced with a view to acquainting Braishfield residents of the current situation regarding our roads and footpaths in the Village. The Parish Council has been pursuing complaints concerning the poor state of the Braishfield Road surface with Hampshire County Council Highways Department following input by a large number of Braishfield residents whose…

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